PP Oil Free Falafel Balls

Chef: Nele Liivlaid, NutriPlanet.org

Makes: 16 Falafel balls

Prep Time: 10 min

Cook Time: 2 min

Cool Time: 5 min

Total Time: 40 min


  • 2 cans unsalted chickpeas, drained and rinsed

  • ½ x grated or processed raw cauliflower

  • 1 T ground chia seeds

  • 1 t turmeric + I t Indian Spic Mix or 2 t curry powder

  • ¼ t smoked paprika

  • 1 t Himalayan salt (or less)

  • Black pepper to taste

  • 1 small onion

  • 2-3 garlic cloves

  • 3 T water

  • Handful of fresh parsley


  1. Start by properly rinsing and draining canned chick peas. Then, peel and roughly chop onion and garlic and grate or process raw cauliflower.

  2. Next, add the chick peas, ground chia seeds, cauliflower, spices, Himalayan salt, black pepper, onion and garlic into a food processor. Process until you have fine crumbs. Scarpe sides whenever necessary.

  3. Finally, add water and fresh parsley. Process again, until you have homogeneous batter, but avoid mashing it up too much. Let the batter sit for 5 min to let chia seeds absorb the water.

  4. Then, line baking sheet with parchment paper and start shaping about ¼ oz falafel balls with your hands. You’ll have 16 balls. Place them onto the baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees F, for 25 min, plus an additional 5 min to cool. Let them cool a bit not to burn your mouth and allow the flavours to set.


  1. You can replace chia seeds with flax seeds, 2 T ground.

  2. You can replace fresh parsley with fresh coriander or use both.

  3. You can lay these flat if you prefer.

  4. Great for batch cooking. These falafels last one month in the freezer.

Nele Liivlaid embodies a Whole Food Pland Based Lifestyle. She uses her site, Nutriplanet.org to provide information about proper nutrition, exercise and healthy minds directly into your hands through articles, blog posts, tutorial videos, recipes and shopping/eating out guidance. I compile my health and nutrition research, knowledge and certificate in Plant Based Nutrition into ready-to-use tips for you to plug into everyday living. Follow me on Instagram , Facebook and Pinterest.


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