The Krocks

Brian and Jessica Krock live in St. Louis, Missouri and have been married since 2011. After spending the majority of their lives overweight and trying various diets throughout the years, Brian weighed in at 514 pounds and Jessica at 285, for a combined total of nearly 800 pounds. Back in June 2018, Brian finally decided it was time for a change. They started on their whole food, plant-based "adventure" and together they have lost more than 300 pounds combined eating a WFPB diet.

What began as a journey to lose weight turned into an entire lifestyle change. They post weekly videos on their YouTube channel "Krocks In The Kitchen" featuring life updates, recipes, travel adventures and more. They continue to share their new lifestyle with the hopes that they can show others how easy and fun it can be, while also being transparent about the ongoing challenges they continue to face. Brian also hosts a podcast called “I’m Losing It!” featuring interviews and a more in-depth look at their adventures.


Cathy Fisher


Vicki Brett-Gach - Certified Personal Chef