Tami Perry-Cockrell

Tami is a stay at home mom and plant-based cooking enthusiast.  In March 2017 Tami was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, Fatty Liver, High Cholesterol, High LDL, High Triglycerides, High Red Blood Count, High Hematocrit and very deficient in Vitamin D.  It was then that her Plant-Based Journey began.  Four-and one-half months after adapting a low fat, high carb lifestyle, she was able to reverse her ailments and become medication free.  She is currently living her best and healthiest life she has lived in twenty years.  Today she enjoys cooking plant-based meals and helping others to transition to this to a Whole Plant Based Lifestyle.  She can be found on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.


Claudia Rolnick


Natalie Gray Brodsky