Kim Murphy

Hi, I'm Kim Murphy! I'm a wife & mom, and I started Simply Plant Based Kitchen™ because I wanted to help busy people like you know how simple & easy whole food plant based eating can be! If I can do it, YOU can do it. Seriously.

My first attempts at plant-based eating were not successful and only lasted a few months. I lost weight and felt great, but I didn't have enough simple & easy recipes that tasted good to make it last. I was a busy mom, working 60+ hours a week and was discouraged when so many recipes would take hours, have ingredients I hadn't heard of, and would end up tasting terrible.

My turning point was when my father passed away from Alzheimer's. He also had heart disease & cancer. I didn't want that to be my future and I learned that all the chronic diseases we fear are PREVENTABLE with our food!

Now that I'm committed to preventing the same diseases that took my father too soon, I knew that I would have to create recipes that were simple, easy, used normal ingredients, and tasted great so that I could make this last a lifetime. I created Simply Plant Based Kitchen™ to teach you to do the same and make Whole Food Plant Based eating simple & delicious!

Whether you're dipping your toe into plant-based eating or you're 100% all-in, you won't find any judgement here. I just want to make it easier for you to rock this life!

I received my Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate through eCornell and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. I continue to research and study all the fabulous doctors who are spreading the truth about health and diet - Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Thomas Campbell, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Neil Barnard, Dr. Dean Ornish, and others.


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Brittany Jaroudi